14 Dressing Rules That Everyone Should Learn Once and for All

Coco Chanel, a renowned fashion icon of her time, once wisely remarked, ’Dress shabbily, and they remember the dress; dress impeccably, and they remember the woman.’ This statement carries with it a timeless truth that resonates through the ages. It’s difficult to contest her insight because clothing plays a pivotal role in shaping our image and how we are perceived by others. In a world where first impressions are […]

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8 Outfits That Prove Fashion Repeats Itself

We often feel happy or sad when clothes that were trendy 10 or 20 years ago come back into fashion again. But when creating a new collection, fashion designers are often inspired by trends that are centuries or even millennia old. So, the Sumerians decorated their clothes with fringe, and dresses with slashed sleeves were considered chic in the Tudor court. At Lifeasiwrite, we studied the history of fashion and found […]

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“I Am Determined To Age Like This”: People Online Are Applauding This Woman For Going Against The Current And Redefining How Women In Their 50s Should Look

It is sad to see your favorite celebrities, elementary school teachers and parents get old because you realize that nothing that matters in this life is permanent. On the other hand, people can make a big deal of something that is really not that bad. For example, people make it seem that living half a […]

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“Natural Beauty”: 14 Photographs By Ben Hopper Questioning The Standards Of Female Beauty (New Pics)

Ben Hopper is a London-based photographer who dares to push the boundaries of our perception, inviting us to see the world and the people in it from a fresh and unconventional perspective. In 2014, the artist has introduced his photography project called “Natural Beauty” which is aimed at questioning the standards of female beauty by featuring […]

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Your life before and after marriage, in pictures

Each couple has their own life and love story, before and after marriage. Nevertheless, here’s what we think is a list of typical everyday situations that you and your partner might find familiar! Sleep Things we do for love Things that keep couples together Weekends Women’s eating habits Levels of trust Watching movies Flirting Revealing your […]

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10 Tips for Parents That Can Help Them Prevent Back Problems in the Future

Back pain is one of the most common reasons people go to the doctor and, fortunately, it can be prevented. For example, if you’re a parent, there are many specific situations that can cause your back pain. And if you know what they are, you can try to avoid them, or change the way you do something, like the way you carry your baby. We thinks that being a parent […]

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4 Signs You’re Brushing Your Teeth Too Hard, and 4 Ways You Can Fix It

Some people think that in order to remove plaque from their teeth, they need to brush really hard. However, this is far from the truth since plaque is sσ soft, you could remove it with a piece of cloth. The reason you need a toothbrush is simply because a cloth can’t reach all the corners of your mouth. Sσ it’s not tons of pressure you need, but rather, a thorough brushing everywhere around […]

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20 Cat-Dog Relationships That Are Better Than Any Soap Opera

Despite the eternal “Who’s better?” battle, some brave owners decided to bring cats and dogs together. Love and hate, friendship and jealousy — these vivacious dogs and their grumpy companions are here to show you the whole spectrum of emotions in their relationships. 1. Why sσ rude?! 2. Oops… Hello, darling, I thought you were […]

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